

Monday, December 18, 2006


Well, the day has come. The fruits of our labours are to be put to the ultimate test. That’s right, tonight we drink - for tomorrow we may be dead. If not, we will brew more beer. Then drink that. If we don’t wake up dead again.

After 14 days in incubation - or bottle conditioning for them in the know - our first two brews are at minimum drinking age. There is some discussion about kit brews and just how much better they can become with aging over months rather than weeks. But if anyone can come up with a better reason for drinking extra beers every week in the name of science then I’d like to hear it.

We will endeavour to let some of the stock sit and mature until we get a feel for just how much perceptible improvement it has in it. With plenty of Christmas gatherings ahead, I know we will give the lagering process a good shake.

Which leads my mind to ramble across a warming Christmas spirit kind of sentiment.I never thought a grown man could still get that childhood buzz of anticipation but here I am like it’s the night before Christmas and I’m 6 years old. Which makes me think that it is truly a wonder that beer can do for us what Christmas and visits from favourite relatives can do for little ones.

A little miracle, 375 mls at a time.

and remember the words of Guru Bob

... " the proof of the pudding; IS the pudding."