Steve, Guy & Justin and the crew out at The Local Taphouse have organised a fundraiser for the victims of the Victorian bushfires to be held on Thursday February 19 from 6.00pm.
$10 at the door and raffles and prizes are being arranged as we speak. As is so often the way, Australians have dug deep and put aside thoughts of global financial crises and stuff to raise money, donate goods and services and provide volunteer assistance. Many craft brewers around the traps have donated kegs to the cause and this should be a huge night. Drink generously!
50% of the take will go to the bushfire relief appeal and 50% to help rebuild Hargreaves Hill Brewery which has been lost. Best wishes, and 'chin-up' to Simon and Beth.
If any readers can donate raffle prizes, special beers, talents ... anything - give Steve a call at The Local Taphouse or leave me a message here or an e-mail at . If you can get out there on Thursday to have a beer for cheer - get there early as capacity is limted to 150. If you can't get there you can leave a donation through the Taphouse blog or website.
... and long-time loyal reader Col & family, our thoughts and prayers are with you, hope the house stays safe and you are all OK. I'll have a homebrew for you all tonight!
& God BlessProf. Pilsner