

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Random Notes On The Senate Estimates Hearing on E-Health - May 30 - 2012.

Notes typed on fly. Accuracy not guaranteed. Did my best. Corrections welcome!
Session ran from 7.20pm to 8.20pm. Key responders were Ms Jane Halton, Mr Peter Fleming and Ms R. Huxtable.
Notes taken as questions were responded to.

Senator Sinodinos

1. Legislation is still out there and not yet passed - timing not discussed - think some things can still happen without passage if it comes to that.
2. Mr Fleming is looking pretty nervous as of 7:30.
3. GP Software is being worked on but not ready, it might be a while yet before we see some progress on this.
4. Training for CPs and so on is not in any way ready for June 30. Coverage for training is only those caring for the about 1.6 million people at Wave Sites.
5. People will be only be able to register - but only that - essentially zero else as of July 1.(Ms Huxtable).
6. Provider registration is rather behind time - maybe September.
7. Senator Sinodinos seems to be pretty focussed and getting DoHA pinned down.
8. Engagement with GP seems to really be very vague. Not clear on how this is moving this forward.
9. Ms Halton admits the benefits will be pretty slow to come. Mainly from connecting various information sources.
10. $110 on the PCEHR for the 2 years has been spent - $218 on NEHTA Functions.
11. $75 million spent so far on Pilot sites - also building infrastructure, evaluation etc...lots of the rest.
12. Pilot sites costs taken on notice - DoHA can’t remember.
13. Cost Benefits. More information is on Commonwealth Health Web Site. Headlines are better shared care and handover improvements.
14. Legal Liability - can affect adoption rates. Guidelines do not exist as yet publicly. Terms and conditions of use are also not resolved.
15. PIP is trying to set expectations on GPs and rules and plans are still being negotiated.
16. Identifiers are still not being used by GP Software, Aged Care and Pharmacy in any large way and is hoped to happen at some point.
17. Long term funding and governance is not settled after the next 2 years.
18. Operating Costs are apparently not going to rise after the next 2 years. The variable cost of adding people is not known.
19. Difference between variable and establishment cost not defined.
20. Clinical Safety Document - is summary - and has been consulted carefully.
21. Ms Halton suggests this is a new way - fixing the systematising of safety.
22. Dr Mitchell - Clinical Safety is a journey. Transparent information to patients will help.
23. NEHTA takes the responsibility for record safety formally - but they hope patient ownership will help this issue.
24. All this will only work if there is a reasonable level adoption.

Senator Di-Natale

25. Answer to where to complain: Complaint handling process is very bureaucratic it seems.
26. Consent to System Evolution as System Changes: They don’t know how this will be handled. DoHA thinks it is legal.
27. Once signed up you are in until you want out is essentially the message from DoHA.
28 Day One - Focus is on Consumer Registration - On-Line Later - Consumer Portal will enable patient entered notes. Provider Uploads will be September or later. All the Medicare Data (Immunisations etc. also later.)
29. Data Upload will be a bit later - end of September or so.
More commentary after we have transcript.