

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Senate Estimates Hearings On E-Health Are Being Held 30th May 2012. Will Be Interesting.

As of Sunday May 27 2012 here is the program:


Health and Ageing Portfolio

Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA)

7:15pm – 8:15pm

Outcome 10 Health System Capacity and Quality

Program 10.2: e-Health Implementation
National e-Health Transition Authority (NeHTA)
The link to the page is found here:
Here is the link to access the hearings and outcomes
Live broadcasts
Senate estimates hearings are broadcast live over the Internet. Details can be found here.
Hansard transcripts
·         To view the current transcript production status of Senate Legislation Committees considering estimates see the Estimates Transcript Schedule.  
·         To view published Hansards please visit Parlinfo.
----- End Extract.
Enjoy the hearing. Doubtless I will have a few words to say later in the week.